Ep101: Trauma-Informed Diet with Harvard Medical School Graduate, Dr. Leslie Korn

Dr. Leslie Korn is a special guest on www.HealPodcast.com hosted by Lucie Ritchie

Trauma psychotherapist, Lucie Ritchie, sits with Harvard Medical School Graduate and Traumatologist, Dr. Leslie Korn, to discuss the power of integrative medicine in supporting the healing of trauma.

Dr. Korn says she has been a rebel from the start, questioning authority. She hightailed it out of Boston at age 20, searching for meaning and purpose in life. Leslie wanted to travel and write but needed to find somewhere she could do everything uninterrupted. She wanted to serve humanity, but first, she needed to heal herself. Ten years in the jungle — no cars, electricity, or hot water, along with plenty of papayas, yoga, and washing in the cold running river did the trick. While her peers were going to school or starting their careers, Leslie was learning from herbalists, quieting her mind, and learning to become a healer.

Because of her academic degrees, people think that’s where she began, but that came much later. She says she is lucky to have studied and practiced as a healer before she entered the jungle of Harvard.

Leslie says, “My passion for helping others comes from the heart, as we follow in the footsteps of our foremothers. In my nearly 45 years of professional practice, I still question authority and the reigning fads; the diagnoses, drugs, admonitions, and ideology are often wrong and rarely heal. Asking, challenging, and being a rebel on behalf of my patients and students, does.”

Leslie lives with Rudolph, her husband of 25 years, and two “smartie-pants,” Havanese, Xoco, and Sascha, “all of whom have scratchy beards and fill my daily life with joy and laughter.”

Join Lucie Ritchie and Dr. Korn for a meaningful and informative conversation on integrative medicine to support the healing of trauma.

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